November 08, 2021 2 min read
Your baby is halfway through their first year of life, and they’ve grown so much! However, a lot more is in store during these next 6 months — and we want to make sure you’re prepared!
Your baby is now over half a year old and they’re determined to start moving around the room anytime you leave them sitting on their own. Although crawling isn’t a developmental “must do” by this age, many babies startcrawling, or scooting around this age, so be on the lookout for movement!
● sits without support
● responds to name
● uses raking grasp to pick up objects
● transfers objects between hands
If your baby is on the move, now is the perfect time to help them improve their crawling skills by creating a mini crawling course for them to complete in your living room. You can arrange pillows on the floor, then encourage your baby to crawl over them. You can also place toys around the room to entice them.
By the 8 month mark, you may notice that they’re becoming more independent. They’re probably crawling, picking up objects, and even entertaining themselves for longer periods of time.
Your baby is probably eating moresolid foods now that they’re inching closer to the one year mark, so now’s a great time to expose them to pureed meats, yogurt, and even soft finger foods if they have teeth.
● pull themselves to a standing position while holding onto furniture
● pair motor skills and senses together (i.e. sees an object, crawls over, then sits up to play with it)
● use “real” words, like mama
● show signs of “stranger danger”
By now your baby starts learning cause and effect. This exciting skill can set the stage for many fun activities for your baby, especially if you provide them with interactive objects that move as your child touches them. You canhelp your child learn more about cause and effect by stacking blocks then knocking them down or setting out pots and pans to bang together. Your baby will have a blast and learn an important developmental skill too!
By now your baby is probably an expert explorer, which means it’s time to keep a close eye on them. Communication is becoming more normal now, too, which means your baby may be waving goodbye, pointing at objects they want, or even saying a few words.
● understands “no”
● points and uses gestures to communicate
● can crawl independently
● use pincer grasp to pick up objects
Although your baby is doing lots of work on their own to develop their motor skills, now is a perfect time to start rolling a ball back and forth with your child. This simple activity can not only help build their motor skills, but also teach them how to take turns and imitate simple movements.
Your baby is growing more each day, and they will soon reach their first birthday! Make sure you’re ready for this critical milestone by learning about what to expect from your 10 to 12 month old.
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